The Baptistery Window

The Baptistery window, a later gift or perhaps the first gift of Mr. MacKinley, has above the
transom, a representation of the Baptism of Our Lord, with types of Holy Baptism on either
side, the crossing of the Red Sea, and the entry of the animals and Noah's family into the
Ark (both of which events are in Holy Scripture spoken of as types of Holy Baptism. 

Below these lights we have:

"Christ blessing little children"

"Christ setting the little child in the midst of His disciples" (St. Matt. XVIII. 2.)

"The Baptism of the Ethiopian Eunuch".

This window is cruder and less artistic than the East Window.

The crude realism of the spoiling of the Egyptians indicated by the valuable jug in the hands
of little Gershom, who is striding along by the side of his father, Moses, and of the entry
of the giraffes through the lowly door of the Ark bear unmistakable testimony to the
development of artistic taste since the "eighteen-sixties".

From the fact that subjects connected with Holy Baptism were chosen for this window we
gather that, before its erection, the free seats (which then filled this recess and had done
since the Church's Consecration) must have been removed and the space converted into a