
Worship is important

It creates a personal relationship between you and God - it also helps bring our community together. At St Johns we vary our pattern of services with the aim of being inclusive to all - especially children and families.

Before the service - Listen to God, During the service - Talk to God, After the service - Talk to one another


Our readings will be updated shortly for the coming months here.

Sunday worship  10.30 am

1st & 3rd Sunday - 10:30 am

A service of Holy Communion (with sung responses)

come along and join Gods Gladiators a group for children over 5

2nd & 4th Sunday - 10:30 am

Family Worship an all age gathering  to worship and learn more about how we can follow Jesus

5th Sunday - 10:30 am

Café church a more informal , creative , relaxed style of worship with activities , music and refreshments  held in the Happiness Hall 

“Tots church”  an area for under 5s and their carers - available every week throughout the service to enable families to worship together

Wednesday  9.45am

A short service of Holy Communion  followed by refreshments  

All our services are followed by refreshments and an opportunity to chat .


The Word of God is one of the main foundations of faith. Without it all we have are opinions and there can be as many opinions as there are people. So we take Bible Study seriously and we encourage people to grow in their faith building on the Word of God.



We are privileged to be able to give support to the ministry at Alder Hey Hospital through members of our congregation attending each week for chapel duty. This is 'front line' ministry - especially for those parents who have a child in the hospital. Please keep these chapel ministers in your prayers as it is not easy on these occasions.